Tuesday 1 December 2009


There’s this bloke out in the USA (New York), Garen Gueyikian, whom I have followed for several years now. He was called Granian for a long time, now he has a band, KTA (Kill The Alarm). He has been asking for funding for a (I think) fifth album. What I really love about live gigs and the artists who ‘have to’ perform live as their record sales aren’t in the multi-zillion pound range, is that they have such dedicated followers and fans. Taking a positive aspect of the dedicated fan and asking for funds is a brilliant idea / format, and I think it is wonderful. KTA just fulfilled their criteria ($10,000), ending at mid-night on the 30th November 2009, with a final total of nearly $15,000, pretty impressive eh? Congratulations to him and the band. I wish he’d come to England though.

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