Thursday 12 November 2009

Better not to bring this teacher an Apple (Mac)

Sadly yesterday was the last day of my 3 day adventure in to wanderland, learning how to promote my business on the web, with the insightful and thoughtful Delia. Hear her here.

If you think all that twitters and blogs is not gold, then think again.... She brings experience, enthusiasm and a great passion for all things 'Geeky', Delia makes Geeky look cool.

In fact Delia is cool.

I did learn not to bring her an apple though, Mac's chew up her work and then melt at the sight of her - there is no love lost between them.

I worked with several people on this course, all of them invested in improving their business and their life styles, we were all eager to learn and the comeraderie developed at a pleasing rate.
We were an assorted bunch, the 'rules and regs' guy Ralph, who went from suited and booted, to casual in a week, the quiet man at the back, Steve, a talented artist, Martin, Mr Debonair Green Party, and he does seem to be all over the web, here, here and here... Bill, ready to teach english to Brazil, person by person, and then have a party or three... to the cheerful and helpful Nick, the man with the lightsaber *oo-er missus*

May the Force be With You, and you and you and you.....

I would like to thank Delia for our lunches, her support and enthusiasm to us all in our lovely little group. And my new found addiction - blogging....

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